AquaSport Boats, a renowned name in the boating industry, is currently owned by Twin Vee PowerCats, a company known for its expertise in manufacturing catamaran boats. This ownership marks a significant revival for AquaSport, which has a rich history dating back to the mid-20th century. Twin Vee, with its advanced technology and commitment to quality, has reimagined AquaSport's offerings, introducing new models that blend traditional craftsmanship with modern innovations.
Under Twin Vee's stewardship, AquaSport has expanded its lineup to include several center console fishing boats that cater to both recreational and professional anglers. The new models reflect a combination of performance, durability, and comfort, appealing to a wide range of boating enthusiasts. The brand's focus on advanced engineering and premium materials aims to provide customers with the best possible boating experience.
The revitalization of AquaSport Boats is not just about ownership; it signifies a commitment to the legacy of the brand while adapting to contemporary market demands. With Twin Vee's resources and expertise, AquaSport is poised to grow and thrive in the competitive boating industry, ensuring that it remains a trusted choice for families and fishermen alike.